SKILLED: 60 Second Life Skills


by Life Coach Kathleen Kirk

Discussing Tough Topics:

Clients ask: How can I get better at this?

SEE the daily Opportunities: a constant chance to grow your skills. From politics, handling the virus, schools opening, etc. Just about any topic can be controversial so what a perfect time to practice.

Communication = connection, an exchange, sharing a message for mutual understanding.

  1. DECIDE -
    Whether to talk, listen or pass on the conversation for now.

    Check your mood, ready to be an open listener to hear their perspective?

    Is the timing and situation right, if not ask for another time.

    WHY interact, what do I want to get out of this? Am I ready to learn about them, an issue or find common ground or just have fun tossing different ideas around for sport?


    In terms of topics you feel ready to discuss at that time. What you will tolerate in terms of language, tone, volume, and personal attacks.

    If you get too upset or it feels like a fight or not a fun tug of war, drop it. Leave mentally and physically. A simple “I’m not up for this now”. Or a generous comment, “Perhaps you have a good point so let’s stop there!”. Change the topic, move on to another activity or leave.

Goal: you want a good shared experience.

Contact Kathleen:

(520) 488-8885